Chris is finally with his husband in an hotel room. So, this mean, yes Olli is back :)
Click on the pics to see the video in Mediathek
The next week, a lot of Chrolli wait for us ;). Just click on the pics to see what will happen the next week for them
The next a week with lots of Chrolli and a new drama in their story. If you click on the link bellows, you'll access to the Wochenvorschau on the Daserste website.

Like May ( after a lot of work and with a big thanks to her and her hard work ), stop to do subtitles, this is the new link for the 2 news channel to see now the chrolli episodes, one channel coth close caption and the other for embedded subtitles. Thanks so much Antoiete and Chiara to do this for uq now :).

The channel with Close caption, click on the pics to go on the channel
The channel with embedded subtitles just click on the pics to go on the channel.